Museo ARTIUM, Vitoria, Álava. 2005El proyecto consistió en tapar con pintura de clorocaucho blanca, un cuadro del siglo XVII de manera irreversible (el cuadro representaba al Papa Borgoña, Nicolás II). La anulación se debía hacer dentro de un Museo de Arte Moderno, ante la presencia de su director, un crítico de arte y un experto en restauración que, junto con el artista y algunos espectadores, actuarían como una representación del mundo del arte.
El Museo elegido fue el ARTIUM de Álava, con la presencia de su Director, Javier González de Durana; Laura Fernández Orgaz, Subdirectora de área museística; Daniel Castillejo Alonso, Conservador de la colección permanente; Pilar Bustinduy, restauradora de arte contemporáneo y de Elena Vozmediano que, aparte de ejercer de Crítico de Arte durante la anulación, dirigió y cordinó la fase previa del proyecto.
This project consists of covering a 17th century painting with an irrevocable clorocaucho painting. The painting has a semi-covered inscription saying it is the portrait of Burgundy Pope Nicholas II. The annulment had to be carried out in a Contemporary Art Museum, with presence of the director, an art critic and a restoration expert, who, together with the artist and a few spectators, should act as a representation of the art world agents. The participation in this proposal was addressed to the most important museums in Spain, telling them in advance that their reply could be used for the final project. There was a gratifying response from most of them.
The chosen institution was ARTIUM, the Contemporary Art Museum of Vitoria. The staff from the Museum assisting to the covering of the painting was: Director, Javier González de Durana; Vice-director of the Museum Area, Laura Fernández Orgaz; Curator for the permanent collection, Daniel Castillejo Alonso and restorer Pilar Bustinduy. Elena Vozmediano not only acted as an art critic during the covering process, but also coordinated the previous work and presented the project to the different contemporary art museums.
El Museo elegido fue el ARTIUM de Álava, con la presencia de su Director, Javier González de Durana; Laura Fernández Orgaz, Subdirectora de área museística; Daniel Castillejo Alonso, Conservador de la colección permanente; Pilar Bustinduy, restauradora de arte contemporáneo y de Elena Vozmediano que, aparte de ejercer de Crítico de Arte durante la anulación, dirigió y cordinó la fase previa del proyecto.
This project consists of covering a 17th century painting with an irrevocable clorocaucho painting. The painting has a semi-covered inscription saying it is the portrait of Burgundy Pope Nicholas II. The annulment had to be carried out in a Contemporary Art Museum, with presence of the director, an art critic and a restoration expert, who, together with the artist and a few spectators, should act as a representation of the art world agents. The participation in this proposal was addressed to the most important museums in Spain, telling them in advance that their reply could be used for the final project. There was a gratifying response from most of them.
The chosen institution was ARTIUM, the Contemporary Art Museum of Vitoria. The staff from the Museum assisting to the covering of the painting was: Director, Javier González de Durana; Vice-director of the Museum Area, Laura Fernández Orgaz; Curator for the permanent collection, Daniel Castillejo Alonso and restorer Pilar Bustinduy. Elena Vozmediano not only acted as an art critic during the covering process, but also coordinated the previous work and presented the project to the different contemporary art museums.