Josechu Dàvila, Passage Souterrain, Parìs 2011
Reparto de 2500 folletos promocionales de los 10 centros de arte màs importantes de Parìs, entre los que se infiltrò al Passage Souterrain, espacio de marcado carácter alternativo que utiliza un pasaje peatonal pùblico para presentar trabajos especìficos y efìmeros de diferentes artistas. Los folletos solamente contenìan informaciòn relativa al horario, direcciòn, transportes y precio de entrada a los museos, pero sin mencionar su finalidad artìstica ni su relaciòn con el Passage Souterrain.
El diseño y la maquetaciòn de los folletos se realizò expresamente para esta obra, imprimièndose 2500 ejemplares. Los espacios museìsticos fueron elegidos por el coordinador del Passage Souterrain sin la intervenciòn del artista: CENTRE POMPIDOU, MUSÉE DU LOUVRE, LA MAISON ROUGE, FONDATION RICARD, LE PLATEAU, MUSÉE D’ORSAY, LE 104, JEU DE PAUME, PALAIS DE TOKYO y el infiltrado PASSAGE SOUTERRAIN.
Los folletos se fueron repartiendo y depositando dentro de cada museo, junto a su propia infomaciòn, durante un perìodo de 15 dìas; en ese tiempo no hubo nada expuesto en el Passage Souterrain.
Distribution of 2500 promotional leaflets of the 10 most important art centres in Paris, among which infiltrated the Passage Souterrain, a space with a strong alternative character that uses a public pedestrian passage to present specific and ephemeral works by different artists. The brochures only contained information about opening hours, directions, transport and entrance fees to the museums, but no mention of their artistic purpose or their relation to the Passage Souterrain.
The design and layout of the brochures was made specifically for this work, and 2,500 copies were printed. The museum spaces were chosen by the Passage Souterrain coordinator without the artist's intervention: CENTRE POMPIDOU, MUSÉE DU LOUVRE, LA MAISON ROUGE, FONDATION RICARD, LE PLATEAU, MUSÉE D'ORSAY, LE 104, JEU DE PAUME, PALAIS DE TOKYO and the infiltrated PASSAGE SOUTERRAIN.
The brochures were distributed and deposited inside each museum, together with their own information, during the information, for a period of 15 days, during which time there was nothing on display at the Passage Souterrain. exhibited at the Passage Souterrain.